
Tywi Damp proofing have been specialists in all forms of damp within homes and commercial properties for over 35 years.

No one job has the same solution as another. Mr Hutson tailors every job as an individual for the best preforming system to resolve the damp in your property.

So what’s the difference in dampness?

There are two main causes of dampness in your property, you have rising damp and the other is penetrating damp.

Rising Damp

Rising Damp is a very real possibility wherever a wall is in contact with the ground. The soil, which normally has a high moisture content, acts as a reservoir.

The evaporation of water from the surfaces of the wall exposed to the air cause the fabric of the wall to act as a 'sponge' drawing moisture up from the ground, through the bricks, stone or mortar. Depending on the construction and materials of the wall, serious damage can occur anywhere up to 1.2 metres above ground level.

Lack of, or the presence of an ineffective damp course will inevitably lead to Rising Damp and all the attendant damage that entails.

Penetrating Damp

Penetrating Damp is where there may be defects in the render such as cracks and/or hollow areas. This can allow water to ingress into your property and saturate the walls.

More so a problem with solid construction buildings such as stone. As this happens fungi spores are brought in and helped to germinate. From simple defects much larger and more devastating problems can accrue.

What’s the worst that can happen?

When the external signs become evident - damage has already begun. Dry Rot, Wet Rot, Rising, Lateral and Penetrating Dampness along with condensation, all arise because of unwanted and unnecessary water in buildings.

These conditions create the perfect environment for the growth of fungi and the spread of wood destroying insects. If treatment is delayed for any reason the damage will be much more than cosmetic.

The fabric of the building will be damaged and its structural integrity threatened to a point where it will become unsafe.

There should be no delay in undertaking remedial work. Delay will incur additional risk and cost.

So what can be done?

We at Tywi Damp Proofing can provide you with different forms of treatment depending on the cause and situation.

Working alongside your builder we can provide you with the best finish possible. All works can be covered with a Manufacture Guarantee if applicable.